Pictures and sleeping through the night

Here’s the pictures from yesterday. This is us trying to figure out if Lili was hungry because the babies hadn’t eaten since before leaving the orphanage which is at least 3 hours away from Nanchang.


While Lili was probably hungry, she was so upset by all the other babies crying, people, noise and chaos that she wouldn’t eat.


In China people like to bundle their babies in lots of clothing, and they’ll walk up to american parents adopting babies and scold them if the babies aren’t sufficiently bundled. We saw it happen yesterday at the airport when an older chinese man grabbed one the 6-year-olds on the trip and started asking where his coat was – of course it’s all in chinese and the translators were explaining everything to us. As you can see Lili had three layers on – a cute snowsuit that she can probably wear next year, a very cute split pant pink outfit plus another layer below that. Plus she’s ready to go to work with her clip-on ID badge.


Once we took her into the hallway and started walking her she calmed down and took a bottle right away. She’s much like her cousin Emily in that she liked to be moving. Whether on the bus on pacing the floors. So I think we’ll be going on walkabouts here in Jiangxi to keep her entertained. This was the only picture I took with the big camera because of the chaos and how quickly we got. I figured I would have plenty of chances to take more pictures in the future.


She ate a very good dinner of rice, cheerios, noodles, and egg custard. This was followed by a sponge bath complete with lots of vasilene to help some serious dry skin on her thighs, hips and tucus. Then it was bedtime in her way-oversized sleeper (She’s going to be in 6-9 months clothing for a little longer) after Catherine read her a book, which book you ask? Goodnight Moon of course. Lili also seems to like the flash and having her pciture taken, so I’ll finally have a family member who likes having her photo taken.

She slept through the night and self-comforted herself multiple times. Finally after about 9 hours we picked her up and gave her a bottle, changed a very wet diaper and are now pacing the room. So I gotta go be a dad since Catherine’s arms are getting tired. -t

10 comments on “Pictures and sleeping through the night”

  1. bschomer says:

    She is perfectly adorable…just as we knew she would be. Thank you so much for posting pictures. Even though I knew is was the middle of the night, I have been compulsively hitting the refresh button. Just as Christine predicted. Congratulations on your beautiful baby girl!

  2. min says:

    Catherine and Thom,

    What an adorable little sister! Piao Liang Bao Bei! She is just like me: both of us fall asleep in moving vehicles and love egg custard. You sure Lili is hungry or simply eats a lot all the time? No surprise to me.

    I love all the pictures and interesting observations. The Schomer family just got back from China. All my Chinese friends are curious about the American’s view of China: is it too cold? is the air too dirty for them? how do they like the food? Do they get lost walking around? etc. etc. We got to get together and share our notes.

    cannot wait to speak Chinese to her. 🙂


  3. Anne says:

    I didn’t think it was possible for her to be cuter than she was in the previous pictures…..but she is! She’s adorable. Takes after her Auntie Anne.

  4. raem77 says:

    I, too, have been a “closet” refresher all day. 🙂 She is just gorgeous!!! So happy to hear that she slept well last night. Here’s hoping that she keeps up that trend.

  5. paintgirl says:

    I have been gone since this morning’s “update” from- what I guess is almost two days ago- I came in dropped bags, computer on- and now tears are running down my face- she is beautiful! thank you guys so mucch for sharing all of this with us- it has been such an awesome thing to be included in and to look forward to- and now – I can;t wait to meet her!
    abrazos y besos!

  6. Gram says:

    The pictures are wonderful. She is certainly a bundle to love and cuddle and such a cutey!!! Thank you for sharing your trip, your thoughts, and your great pictures. We love hearing about your daily activities and just keep the pictures coming. :>) Love, Gram

  7. Ann Schomer says:

    She is just as beautiful as I knew she would be. Can hardly wait to hold her. How big do you think she is? I can’t tell with all the clothes. Give her love and kisses and it is going to be a long 14 days for us but I think it is great that you will get a chance to spend time just as a family. Enjoy and we love you all.

  8. surfmb says:

    Sweet, sweet girl. And you both look like you’re already pros as parents. Congrats on finally being three. Sweet dreams.

  9. rnathan says:

    Congratulations! We are so happy for you three. Amazing feeling, holding her, isn’t it? It only gets better.
    We may have to make a trip to RI just to meet Lili.
    Rob, Pata and Asher

  10. LauraN says:

    Congratulations to you both! What an exciting time for all of you. Lili sounds like an amazing little person–those rosy rosy cheeks and intelligent eyes. I can’t wait to meet her!

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