Potrait of the artist with a young woman…

The 21st century’s greatest mural painter, as far as we know, came for a visit over Easter weekend. Sara Lee had been chomping at the bit to come for a visit and this was the first weekend it worked for her schedule.

SaraLee and Li Li room

We love having Sara Lee come for a visit because she is just so much fun. The big news is that Sara Lee has started her business painting murals. www.saraleemurals.com She designed the website herself with some help from friends. So if you know anyone who wants a custom mural, of any size, send her an email. She’ll travel anywhere from her homebase in NYC – so don’t let distance be an issue.

Of course it was Easter Weekend and Passover. Our next door neighbors have a traditional egghunt every year and even though their boys ages are 23, 22, 18, and 16 they don’t let that stop them. Although the oldest is in Peru so it was the three “youngest” who battled it out this year. The egghunt has evolved into a full-contact scramble complete with hip-checks, stiff-arms and just plain shoving all for the coveted Pink Egg with the $5 bill inside

Egghunt Scramble start

The start came a little earlier than usual because the squirrels seem to like plastic eggs stuffed with chocolate – 3 eggs were lost to the squirrels before the hunt began.

EggHunt 3

As you can tell this is no eggunt for the timid. Here Catherine stands back protecting Li Li from the crush of hunters, you can even see a little purple egg about to be plucked.

Sara Lee and Li Li Easter

The boys were gracious though and gave Li Li her very own egg since she wasn’t ready to compete this year. She enjoyed playing with it with Sara Lee’s help. No chocolate for her this year though, she’ll have to wait to acquire that particular addiction.

Bath Update

For those who remember Li Li’s particular aversion to bathing she has recently begun to enjoy the experience. Here she beams her 100-watt smile stage left to her mother.

Happy bath

She’s a toy hoarder in the bath. She likes to have all of her toys within arms reach. That’s all for now. Hopefully we’ll be able to get more photos up shortly. -t

One comment on “Potrait of the artist with a young woman…”

  1. paintgirl says:

    thom! that is awesome! thank you so much! i had a wonderful weekend with you guys. the egg hunt was good to experience and inspiration to the easter egg hunters in all of us.
    you guys are the best and i can’t wait to come back!

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