Bike ride to Bristol

Today we were blessed with yet another unusually warm fall day. So Li Li and I took advantage by riding the bike out to Bristol, RI and back. It’s 32 miles round-trip and we normally spot all of the usual animal suspects. Today was no different although we missed seeing a turtle – we think they are already hibernating for winter.

We are good if busy. I’m still looking for work but hopefully things will pick up soon. Li Li is doing and saying new things every day. We’ll add more to the blog soon. -t

Li Li is bundled up in her seat on the bicyle as we rode along the East Bay bike path.

Li Li is bundled up in her seat on the bicyle as we rode along the East Bay bike path.


Swans are abundant along the bike path as our most other waterfowl.

Swans are abundant along the bike path as our most other waterfowl.

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