Leaving on A Jet Plane and Fly Me Away…

Flying bird 

A – 0 days.

And we are off today. The bird is from a tiny little detail on the wall in Lili’s room. We are fully stocked, and over-loaded with more DVD’s, magazine’s and books than there are hours on the plane. We arrive in Beijing Tomorrow evening at 9:30 pm. And while it is a long flight, Bejing is 13 hours ahead of of the U.S. Eastern Time zone and we have two layovers which will allow us to stretch our legs.

Our neighbors Kevin and Peter drove us to the airport this morning, which is amazing when you consider Kevin is a teenager and is more used to going to bed at that time of the morning, not getting up.

We’ll post more when we get chance. It seems so unreal we are finally on our way. A – 0 days; L – 5 days.


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