Poppie built LiLi a sandbox for her birthday. It has been in the process for the last couple of weeks. When we have gone to Poppie and Nana’s, we had, of course, all gone out to admire the progress but LiLi just did not get what it was going to be. Then Poppie dropped it off at our house a few days ago and because it was not full of sand, she still did not understand it. Then Sunday morning, Thom filled it with sand and we looked out the window at the sandbox now filled with sand. LiLi looked at it and when she figured out what was in it, her face broke into a huge smile. We went out and played for about one hour in the sandbox. At first, she would only sit on the edge but eventually she got right in the sandbox and played contentedly except she did think that she needed shells to make it more like the beach. Nana, of course, supplied those shells last night and this morning we went out to the sandbox again where she entertained herself at least an hour playing in the sand and with the shells. I am waiting for her to just go right into the sand versus spending the first 15 minutes sitting on the side and getting comfortable with the idea of getting dirty.
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