Never ending Jet lag…

We thought we were making headway in eliminating the jetlag, but Lili had different plans. After lulling us into a false sense of sleep security by sleeping roughly 12 hours the night before, last night she decided she wanted to keep the neighbors awake, again. After an earlier successful test run of napping in her crib in her room in the afternoon, we thought putting her down for the night would be easy. As you might surmise, we were wrong. We’ve discovered a few things – laying on a cold floor trying to comfort your screaming daughter is especially uncomfortable without your slippers on nor a comforter to keep warm; our dog Maggie is concerned by the crying and wants everyone to be happy; and if our daughter doesn’t want to sleep, no one gets to sleep (actually that’s not entirely true because I could sleep, I just choose not to).

Catherine’s jet lag is becoming epic as her sleep deficit is approaching triple digits. She’s a trooper though, trying to comfort Lili in ever more imaginative ways. If the weather outside wasn’t so miserable, I think we’d have gone for a walk. As pleasureable as watching the sky slowly change from dark night to clear blue sky with rosy sunshine was, we’d all have preferred dreaming about it instead of watching it in person, wondering if our dear daughter was ever going to sleep. However if history holds true we can hope for a good night’s sleep tonight. Right now both Catherine and Lili are sleeping as part of the morning nap routine. I’m catching up on all of my business school reading wondering how I am ever going to be ready for class next week.

We’ve taken a few pictures but they’ll have to wait until we are all firmly on eastern time. And tomorrow, after all, is another day and hopefully we’ll be fully rested and can enjoy it. -t

4 comments on “Never ending Jet lag…”

  1. jilljaycoleman says:

    rest easy one heard a thing, although we are anxiously awaiting meeting the newest member of the neighborhood!! Coleman loved looking at your pictures and has told us he now loves China!! Lili looks adorable–congratulations

  2. Otter says:

    Thom, we went through this with Xan and Xiao. Children seem to have a much harder time adapting to the day-for-night time change than adults. From our experiences we woud say that it will take about a week for the inconsolably miserable child you find yourself with to transform herself back into the cheerful child you remember getting on the plane with. In the mean time hang in there, and see if you can find your slippers and a spare blanket.

  3. Sailboat29 says:

    Welcome home guys. I promise Lili will get better and better as you all will. Thom, you’ll be rarin’ to go back to classes. Loved following you guys through your journey (same trip as ours), and Lili is beautiful. Now, after you’ve been home for a few months and the sleeping changes again….well, I won’t get into that. Hope to see Lili.
    Carol & John

  4. LucyInRI says:

    Thom & Catherine:

    You have all my thoughts and sympathy right now. As I wrote Thom earlier, not that he has had any energy to check email, the jetlag coming home is nothing short of physically BRUTAL. It actually hurts. Just know that you are not imagining it, that it’s awful … and that it will get better. Although, you do reach a point about 5 or 6 days into it where you think nothing will ever be normal or right again.

    Right about that point, the tide turns and everything slowly gets better. Give it two full weeks at least. Tru to put as little pressure and as few expectations on yourself as possible. And by that I mean showers once every 2-3 days suddenly become optional. Frozen food is a necessity.

    If you are running low and are too smelly and disorganized to go grocery shopping, CALL US. We’re been there. Done that. Will bring micro-waveable food. And booze. (Because we’re us. And at least one of us has our priorities straight.)


    Lucy & Otter
    It really does get better. But not for another few days … (Sorry.)

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