It’s amazing how easy it is to send out an announcement via email. While we’ll still send out the traditional paper announcement via the post office, or what passes for traditional, when we return. It still amazes me how quickly I can send something to a group of people and I’ve been using email for over 18 years. Of course back in 1989 I had to call my friend Dave to tell him I sent him an email, but hey it still counts.
I notified my boss last week and he’s been great with the “short” notice considering everyone from him on up to the CEO has been asking since August of 2005 “when are we going to China” – yes the wait was roughly 2-3 times longer than we anticipated, but I guess we are lucky compared to families who are now looking at a 2-year plus wait.
The amount of support we’ve had has been tremendous, especially once we told everyone we got our referral. It seems like 18 months of pent-up support has poured out all at once. From our friend painting the room (Sara Lee it looks better every single day and it looked phenomenal the first day) to baby showers in two states, to cribs and changing tables miraculously appearing from friends. Even our contractor is finishing up the remaining jobs quickly so we’ll be all ready to come home with our daughter.
Thank you all and be prepared for more pictures and some videos since we just bought another camera. I think this one is camera #11 but who’s counting. -t
A – 6 days; L – 11 days
I’m sure you have perfectly good reasons for having eleven cameras. Right? (This is probably tantamount to me having two fountain pens — but without the expense.)